Thursday, 27 October 2011
Europe pushes a ponzi scheme for a solution
Uploaded by streetmoney21 on 26 Oct 2011
Banks required to raise more capital solution is to insure debt from broke nations. I wounder how long the payouts will last
Banksters, Busts and History - The Facts Driving the Financial Crises
Uploaded by stefbot on 26 Oct 2011
It took 150 years to blow up the banking sector - a brief history of a slow detonation. From Freedomain Radio - http://www.freedomainradio.comSources:
Gerald Celente - The Regular Guys - 24 Oct 2011
Uploaded by geraldcelente on 26 Oct 2011
Gerald Celente - The Regular Guys - 24 Oct 2011Trends Journal : Twitter:
Gerald Celente - Jimmy Cefalo - WIOD - 24 Oct 2011
Uploaded by GeraldCelenteChannel on 26 Oct 2011
Gerald Celente - Jimmy Cefalo - WIOD - 24 Oct 2011Trends Journal:
Interview with Ron Hera Live from the Silver Summit
Uploaded by EconomyMeltdown on 26 Oct 2011 for details Kerry Lutz interviews Ron Hera at the Silver Summit in Spokane Washington. audio courtesy of Kerry Lutz
George Soros BBC interview on the Eurozone Crisis
Uploaded by nsotd4 on 27 Oct 2011
The Billionaire financier discusses the problems of European Union.
Uploaded by moneyandmarkets on 27 Oct 2011
Sean Brodrick thinks we could see a lot more volatility in gold going forward. In this video, he explains why any pullbacks will likely be buying opportunities.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
James Turk interviews Ralf Flierl
Ralf Flierl, Editor of Smart Investor Magazin, and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about investing in today’s uncertain world. They talk about precious metals, stocks, real estate, commodities and how tangible assets are the best protection in a currency crisis.
They explain how people feel that something is wrong with our financial and monetary system, but can’t explain what or how. Ralf Flierl explains that without understanding how our fiat money system works, it is difficult to know how to protect your wealth, let alone find solutions to the monetary troubles ahead. They talk about the Austrian economics content of Smart Investor Magazin. They talk about the Cantillon effect and how the monetary system affects distribution of wealth, increasing the divide between rich and poor.
This interview was recorded on October 1st 2011 in Vienna.
Gold Buyers In Vancouver Think Gold Prices May Double Over Next Five Years
Uploaded by vangoldsilver on 25 Oct 2011
25-Oct (Reuters) — The International Monetary Fund is considering taking part in a special investment vehicle being proposed by the euro zone bailout fund but has not made a decision yet, euro zone officials said on Tuesday."The IMF has indicated that they are considering it — they have not taken a position," one euro zone official said. "It will all depend on the whole package."Euro zone leaders are expected to approve a plan on Wednesday to increase the fire power of the European Financial Stability Facility, a 440 billion euro bailout fund, without euro zone countries having to put more money into it.Under the plan, the EFSF would create a special purpose investment vehicle (SPIV) which would issue debt and use the proceeds to buy bonds of distressed euro zone sovereigns on the secondary market or extend loans to at-risk governments.current gold prices: http://www.vancouvergoldandsilver.comsell gold Vancouver:
Gold & Silver Precious Metals Market Report: 10/25/2011
Uploaded by barnone11967 on 25 Oct 2011
Metals are rising. Hmmm, I wonder who said that it would be? ;)~ loljust having fun.
2011 Australian Silver Killer Whale Proof COIN / ROUND
Uploaded by CoinVaultTV on 25 Oct 2011
2011 Australian Silver Killer Whale ProofShop now:OGP:
5 Reasons Silver is Going to $80 ounce!
Uploaded by goldmonster100 on 25 Oct 2011
Due to physical shortages and greater industrial demand silver is poised to reach all time highs and we could see $80oz silver within 12 months! Buy some to own, buy more on the dips, but most of all BUY PHYSICAL! Don't get fooled into buying the paper etf's and certificates. Buy Physical Silver and hang on to it! Interviews Keith Neumeyer of First Majestic Silver...
Greg McCoach Interview Live at the Silver Summit
Uploaded by EconomyMeltdown on 25 Oct 2011 for details Kerry Lutz interviews Greg McCoach of at the Silver Summit in Spokane Washington. audio courtesy of Kerry Lutz
Silver rebound & Markets looking bullish... Bull is back? 10/25/11
Uploaded by bullorbearreport on 25 Oct 2011
Dow/S&P: BULL (cautious bull)Gold/Silver: BULL (start of a break out)MOO/GDX/GDXJ: BULLFor juicing videos: Liferegenerator out more of his video's for health juice motivation
Economist Harry Dent is Interviewed by Straight Talk Wealth host Bruce W...
Uploaded by StrtTlkWealthRadio on 20 Oct 2011
Economist Harry Dent talks with Bruce Weide on America's economy and where we may be heading in the near future.
Alfred Adask - 25th October 2011 - Dangerous Bank Runs
Uploaded by anunnaki2006 on 25 Oct 2011
Listen to Alfred Adask on the Financial Survival radio show broadcast on the 25th of October 2011. Listen to Alfred talking about how theres potential for angry people to bank run and collapse the economy.
Kerry Lutz - Bix Wier - October 25, 2011
Uploaded by bobchapmanradio on 26 Oct 2011 with Bix Weir at the Silver Summit 2011Posted in Precious Metals, Crisis Investing, Living off the Grid, Gold, Silver by creditmatters on October 25th, 2011I catch Bix Wier explaining to a group of people, myself included on why gold and silver prices are headed skyward. His site is fun, informative and important. Bix is one of the leading voices concerning metals manipulation on the future exchanges and he plays a vital role in keeping metals investors informed and calm. He will soon be a regular on the financial survival network.Please send your questions to or call us at 347-460-LUTZ. The Financial Survival Network--Surviving and Thriving in the New Economy
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Bob Chapman - James Corbett - October 24, 2011
Uploaded by bobchapmanradio on 25 Oct 2011
CORBETT REPORT Chapman is the publisher of The International Forecaster. This is the newsletter that examines world economic conditions and major events. He provides a forecast of economic trends for intelligent financial planning and investing. Mr. Chapman presents future headlines today. Mr. Chapman presents the world-view you're not going to get on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC or any of the managed news services. Mr. Chapman offers the information that will enable you to make informed financial decisions.
Profiles in Greed: Goldman Sachs' Lloyd Blankfein
Uploaded by fal2grace on 25 Oct 2011
MSNBC—Oct. 24, 2011
A closer look at Goldman Sach's Lloyd Blankfein.Copyright MSNBC/NBC Universal (News)
Lloyd blankfein goldman sachs greed is king profiles in greed The last word Lawrence o'donnell
Bob Chapman - The Financial Survival 24 Oct 2011
Uploaded by BobChapmanChannel on 24 Oct 2011
Go to http://bobchapman.blogspot.comfor more Bob Chapman videosBob Chapman - The Financial Survival 24 Oct 2011
Keiser Report: Fecal Alchemy (E201)
From: RussiaToday 25 Oct 2011 325 views
This week Max Keiser and co-host Stacy Herbert discuss the message from Sirte, "Today Libya, Tomorrow Wall Street", and fecal alchemy and its two-tiered justice system. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Stephen Leeb, author of Red Alert: How China's Growing Prosperity Threatens the American.
TSA Now Searching For Silver And Gold!
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on 22 Oct 2011
The TSA has been known to download the contents of flyers' laptops and smartphones, and to take cash. Now they search and question travelers who have as few as 8 coins. This is totally outside of the law, and amounts to an internal customs check point- and is the real reason the TSA was set up. This is a federal power grab!
TSA Agents Harass Man Over Silver CoinsFederal agency tasked with airport security now routinely interrogates Americans about their financial affairsPaul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones, October 24, 2011A traveler flying into Las Vegas was questioned by the TSA about his small collection of silver coins, another example of how the federal agency is acting more like a secret police unit than an airport security outfit, routinely interrogating Americans about their financial affairs.Alex Jones talked to Jeff, a software engineer, after he passed through security, who told him that TSA agents had questioned him about why he was carrying silver coins and demanded to know their value. The screeners also asked if Jeff was collecting them for a hobby or an investment.Jeff explained that he was simply planning to cash in the coins and use that money on his vacation instead of dipping into his bank account. The total value of the coins was no more than $600 dollars.The delay led to TSA agents telling Jeff they couldn't guarantee that his bags would even make it onto the plane.This is not the first time US citizens have been harassed by TSA screeners for carrying items of any value, or refusing to answer invasive questions about their financial affairs.In 2009, Ron Paul campaign treasurer Steven Bierfeldt was detained and interrogated for nearly half an hour by TSA officials for the crime of passing a cash box through a metal detector which contained $4,700 in campaign funds.During the interrogation, Bierfeldt was threatened with arrest and bombarded with questions about his personal life and political viewpoints."I do not believe I should give up my constitutional rights each time I choose to travel by plane. I was doing nothing illegal or suspicious, yet I was treated like a potential criminal and harassed for no reason," said Bierfeldt.
Gregor Hochreiter talks to James Turk : Full 25mins
Gregor Hochreiter, Author of "Krankes Geld, Kranke Welt", and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about his book and how it explains that the lack of hard money not only impacts economics but also morality and values. Gregor explains that institutions impact individual behaviour and that fiat money encouraged debt and provokes short term mentality and speculation throughout society. Gregor uses the term "inflation" in the strict and original definition: an increase in the money supply. Rising prices are a consequence of inflation, a mere symptom. They discuss how to transition from sick money to sound money, highlighting the importance of ideas in ensuring the sustainability of any reform.They discuss Austrian economics and how they are not even taught in Vienna. Gregor explains that academic economics at university level are very mathematics focused and debates are very narrow. However there is a growing interest among the general population in alternative schools of economic thought. Gregor sees a role for gold and silver coins in the solution to our monetary system.They talk about how under the classical gold standard the negative feedback disciplinary mechanism was imposed automatically by gold, without the need for political discretion. They talk about the importance of gold to human liberty.This interview was recorded on September 30th 2011 in Vienna.
Sick money, sick world James Turk & Gregor Hochreiter
Uploaded by GoldMoneyNews on 24 Oct 2011
Gregor Hochreiter , Author of "Krankes Geld, Kranke Welt", and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about his book and how it explains that the lack of hard money not only impacts economics but also morality and values. Gregor explains that institutions impact individual behaviour and that fiat money encouraged debt and provokes short term mentality and speculation throughout society. Gregor uses the term "inflation" in the strict and original definition: an increase in the money supply. Rising prices are a consequence of inflation, a mere symptom. They discuss how to transition from sick money to sound money, highlighting the importance of ideas in ensuring the sustainability of any reform.This interview was recorded on September 30th 2011 in Vienna.
No Silver Shortages - Jeff Christian (CPM Group)
Uploaded by KitcoNews on 18 Oct 2011
Silver Manipulation: Fact or Fiction? Visit and register to view the "Great Silver Debate" on Oct. 22, when Jeff Christian (CPM Group) will go head-to-head with Bill Murphy (GATA) on the topics of silver manipulation and shortages. Brought to you EXCLUSIVELY by Kitco News.Think you can rant? Visit our thread on the Kitco Forums and weigh in ( or send your rant to weigh in on Facebook, visit us on Twitter @
Eric Sprott: "Forces are at Work that can Move the Prices Down."
Uploaded by CaseyResearchFAN on 19 Oct 2011 At the Casey Research/Sprott Summit When Money Dies, Louis James spoke with Sprott Inc. founder Eric Sprott on the risk involved in holding money in banks, and the likely future of precious metals stocks.The sold-out When Money Dies summit was a huge success, with attendees and participants alike receiving much to think about. If you missed it, you can still "be there," via a full set of audio recordings. These are available now, in CD or MP3 format for your convenience.
Government is a Monoploy of Force
Uploaded by CaseyResearchFAN on 18 Oct 2011
Doug Casey speaks at the Casey Research/Sprott Summit When Money Dies.The sold-out When Money Dies summit was a huge success, with attendees and participants alike receiving much to think about. If you missed it, you can still "be there," via a full set of audio recordings. These are available now, in CD or MP3 format for your convenience.
Uploaded by SGTbull07 on 24 Oct 2011
SGTBull07's interview with author Stephen Lendman. We discuss the fleecing of America by Wall Street and the associated private banking cartel.Steve's Blog:
Silver Update 10/24/11 - Petrodollar Seignorage
Uploaded by BrotherJohnF on 24 Oct 2011
Silver Update 10/24/11 - Petrodollar SeignorageSeigniorage, Money Supply and Inflation and Seignorage recycling States federal budget
RE: The Great Silver Debate - Manipulation: Fact or Fiction? - GATA vs. ...
Uploaded by Alexiscom1 on 24 Oct 2011 KitcoNews COUNTER-ARGUMENTS TO SILVER CONSPIRACY THEORIES WHAT Silver Price Conspiracy? An Educated Explanation. Link to the Jeffrey Christian video is at the bottom of the page.
James Turk: Gold Is Our Defense Against the Fiat Currency Graveyard
Uploaded by ChrisMartensondotcom on 24 Oct 2011
"The rule of law has basically been thrown out the window. Money printing is the order of the day. And when politicians take control of central banks, which they have done in the United States and they are also doing in Europe, that basically destroys the currency. It puts the currency on the road to what I call the Fiat Currency Graveyard, so I expect there are going to be massive currency problems as we go forward. The financial crisis that we have been dealing with for the last several years has not been solved."So cautions James Turk, widely-respected precious metals expert and founder/chairman of GoldMoney. In this detailed interview (recorded in June), Chris and James explore the probable outcome of the current US debt-ceiling operatics, the likelihood of future Fed money printing, and strategies for preserving wealth. In short, James believes we are witnessing the decline of the world's major fiat currencies, and expects gold to be remonetized in the aftermath.This podcast was originally posted on on July 12, 2011.
Michael Maloney: "We Pay Tax for the Privilege to Have Currency"
Uploaded by CaseyResearchFAN on 24 Oct 2011 Michael Maloney, CEO and Founder of speaks at the Casey Research/Sprott Summit When Money Dies.The sold-out When Money Dies summit was a huge success, with attendees and participants alike receiving much to think about. If you missed it, you can still "be there," via a full set of audio recordings. These are available now, in CD or MP3 format for your convenience.
Silver...People listen only to what they want to hear!
Silver Debate Link, Vatican Banking USA Down Grade ?
Uploaded by GuildF40 on 24 Oct 2011
Kitco Link's Bank Bill: $3 Trillion down grade days to save the world (or the Euro) Link Link Lending Link
Monday, 24 October 2011
We Don't Believe Silver Is There: GATA's Bill Murphy
From: KitcoNews 19 Oct 2011 2,051 views
Silver Manipulation: Fact or Fiction? Visit and register to view the "Great Silver Debate" on Oct. 22, when Jeff Christian (CPM Group) will go head-to-head with Bill Murphy (GATA) on the topics of silver manipulation and shortages. Brought to you EXCLUSIVELY by Kitco News.Think you can rant? Visit our thread on the Kitco Forums and weigh in ( or send your rant to weigh in on Facebook, visit us on Twitter @
Follow MetalMadnessTV @ @
Uploaded by ScrapGoldBusiness on 23 Oct 2011
Gold buyers and sellers are totally different from silver buyers and sellers.Which are you?Keep stackin!
Uploaded by ScrapGoldBusiness on 23 Oct 2011
What is the silver scarcity for physical in your area?What area are you in?When will the breakout occur?
Copper Jumps More Than 3 Standard Deviations On Largest 2-Day Rally Since March 09
Chart: Bloomberg
Source: Zerohedge
Beautiful Bollywood Actress Raima Sen Love Gitanjali's New Gold ATM.
Uploaded by TheBollywoodShow on 24 Oct 2011
Raima Sen was at the launch of Gitanjali's New Gold ATM. This allows people to buy gold and diamonds straight out of the ATM using their Gitanjali ATM card. Raima Sen who loves gold and jewelry loves the concept and will definitely use it to buy herself gold or even as gifts for Diwali! For regular updates on the latest happenings in Bollywood kindly subscribe
1 in 10 Brits Have Gold Stash Worth More Than Savings in Bank
According to the survey, more than 38% of Britons also say investing in gold is better than keeping cash savings. As gold vending machines pop up in shopping malls and physical gold retailers like London-based Bullionvault surpass some central banks in gold holdings, 14% of Britons bought an item of gold as an investment in the past year.
Immediately bank-friendly tried to poke holes in the gold as savings argument saying gold doesn’t produce an income like interest or dividends, it’s illiquid and if you buy physical gold you’re unlikely to be covered by any financial compensation scheme if things go wrong.
Worried About Silver? Listen to Eric Sprott's Stump Speech
- The US Mint sells about the same dollar amount of gold and silver coins, which means it sells 50 ounces of silver for every ounce of gold. It's more or less the same story at GoldMoney and Sprott Money.
- Ten times more silver than gold is produced each year, and the ratio in the earth's crust is 15:1, so how can the price be 50:1? Expect a return to the historical norm of 15:1, which implies that silver will outperform gold.
- The supply/demand picture has seen a 380 million ounce per year positive swing -- in a 900 million ounce market. Where is the silver coming from?
- The paper silver markets trade a billion ounces a day and the world only produces 900 million in a year. The amount available for settlement of these futures contracts is something like 1.5 million ounces, ludicrously little compared to the amount of paper.
- "On the physical side I'm seeing only buyers."
- "There are a lot more people who can afford a one-ounce silver coin than an ounce of gold."
- Gold will be a reserve currency and silver will also play a role.
- "We tried to buy 15 million ounces of silver and had to wait three months -- and some of the silver we got was manufactured after we ordered. So there's not a lot of silver sitting on shelves waiting for people to buy it."
- "Somewhere along the line some manufacturer will say 'I can't get the silver I want' and the jig's up."
- People will prefer gold and silver to having money in a bank where there's tremendous counterparty risk. Three months ago Dexia was considered to be the best capitalized European bank and now they've been nationalized.
- "You go to some of the biggest names who own gold and ask them about silver and a lot of them haven't even looked at it."
- Central banks are selling gold surreptitiously.
- "It's shocking how undervalued the junior miners are...Gold and silver stocks are growth stocks. They all have a plan to increase production dramatically. Small miners can start a new mine and double in size...The relative value of gold stocks will become apparent with time...The breakout, when it comes, will be very sudden."
Is GOLD the REAL reason for LIBYA Invasion?
Uploaded by OrdinaryGomez2 on 23 Oct 2011
re-upload from RT's all about the $$$ folks....
The Great Silver Debate - Manipulation: Fact or Fiction? - GATA vs. CPM GROUP
Uploaded by KitcoNews on 21 Oct 2011
Showtime! Watch the Great Debate featuring CPM's Jeffrey Christian and GATA's Bill Murphy as they battle it out on the topic of silver and gold manipulation -- is it fact or fiction? You be the judge.
James Turk Report - Why Gold Will Go Above $11,000
Gerald Celente - Ben Merens - Wisconsin Public Radio - 18 October 2011
Gerald Celente - Ben Merens - Wisconsin Public Radio - 18 October 2011Trends Journal:
Gerald Celente - The Keith Larson Show - 19 October 2011
Uploaded by GeraldCelenteChannel on 21 Oct 2011
Gerald Celente - The Keith Larson Show - 19 October 2011Trends Journal:
Gerald Celente Visits Occupy Wall Street Protesters | 10.21.11
Gerald Celente Visits Occupy Wall Street Protesters 10.21.11
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Is The Federal Reserve Standing By Poised To Bail Out Europe?
Uploaded by MoneyBags73 on 15 Oct 2011
The Lender of last resort appears to be standing by, ready to bail out Europe. Geithner said in a CNBC interview that the U.S. would play a large role in helping out the European countries. Isn't that kind!! Like we don't have enough of our own problems.
The Gold Report: New world monetary system to be based on gold
The Gold Report: You founded this firm based on your long wave theory that is based on the Kondratieff Cycle. How is this same or different from Kondratieff?
Ian Gordon: We have gone significantly beyond Kondratieff’s original thesis published in 1925. I am very proud that we have made the cycle far more encompassing than Kondratieff would have ever envisioned. For instance, one of the key things we have done is identify an investment cycle within the long cycle. This is an extremely valuable tool for investors, which allows them to make appropriate investment decisions in each quarter of the cycle.
TGR: Do you feel that you have legitimized the Kondratieff Cycle beyond theory and as a general principle?
IG: Well, I think we have. The proof is in the pudding. We have been able to recognize exactly where we are in the cycle and envision what the implications are likely to be. I think we have been able to pinpoint that with a great deal of accuracy the critical aspects of the cycle and how these relate to the economy and to investing.
TGR: You obviously can’t expect investors to wait through an 80-year super cycle. You’ve managed to isolate the bull and bear markets. Is that what you are saying?
IG: Yes, we have not only been able to isolate the bull and bear markets, but also we have been able to identify the best and most appropriate investments for each quarter of the cycle, and they generally work throughout that quarter. We have broken the cycle into the four seasons. We call it a lifetime cycle because it is 60–80 years, and each of its seasons is approximately 15–20 years, a quarter of the cycle. By the way, this is the fourth cycle, and it has always repeated pretty well the same in every cycle. Certainly essential investment decisions have been the same for each of the seasons in the cycle.
TGR: Take it from the beginning.
IG: Spring essentially renews economic growth. It is the rebirth of the economy following the winter of the cycle, which is the time when the economy dies and when debt is wrung out of the system. Because spring is the rebirth, stocks and real estate make appropriate investments and do very well for investors. We can show from our current cycle, which we maintain began in 1949, that the Dow Jones Industrial Average rises from 161 points at the beginning of spring and ends at 995 points at the end of spring. Of course, real estate also does exceptionally well during this period.
Then, following spring we move to the summer, which began in 1966 in our current cycle. We have always had inflation in summer because there has always been a war in this part of the cycle, and that war has always been financed through a huge expansion of the money supply. In the first cycle, it was the War of 1812. In the second cycle, it was the U.S. Civil War. In the third cycle, it was the First World War from 1914 to 1918.
And, in the fourth cycle, it was the Vietnam War. With that inflation, stocks do not do that well and essentially make no gains. If anything, stocks end summer about 30% below the point from where they began. Conversely, gold performs exceptionally well, as do all commodities. Gold goes from $35/ounce (oz.) in 1966 to $850/oz. in 1980, and the Dow goes from 995 at the end of spring and ends the summer at 777 points. Real estate continues to do well in the summer of the cycle.
Four things always anticipate the onset of autumn in every cycle: These are the peak in interest rates; the peak in the consumer price index; the bear market in stocks such as the one that occurred between 1981 and 1982; and a recession. Now, autumn is always the point from which stocks, bonds and real estate perform the best in the cycle. It is the most speculative period in the cycle, and it is when debt really starts to build exponentially, and so Gold performs very poorly in this portion of the cycle.
In fact, gold prices go from that $850/oz. peak at the end of summer to $250/oz. at the end of autumn, and the Dow goes from 777 to 11,750 and real estate continues to perform very, very well. So, real estate has a three-season growth period and stocks have a two-season growth period, to the end of autumn, while gold has a one-season growth period.
The winter of the cycle, which we call the payback period, is when the economy dies. It goes into a deflationary depression overcome by the overwhelming debt in the system that has built-up principally through autumn. When we get into winter, we get very defensive and we move into gold, which performs exceptionally well, as do gold stocks. The general stock market performs abysmally.
Between 1929 and 1932, the Dow lost 90% of its value. And, real estate also performs very, very poorly on account of the economic depression and the fact that homeowners have assumed huge mortgage debt to purchase their homes. During this time many people lose their homes because they are unable to make the mortgage payments. House prices decline to very low levels and in many cases mortgage debt is significantly higher than the value of the home.
TGR: Where are we in the cycle now?
IG: We are in the winter. The signal of the onset of winter was the peak in stock prices in January 2000 for the Dow and March 2000 for the NASDAQ. That was the end of autumn. And, yes, the Dow was higher than that in October 2007, but, again, that was really an abnormality created by paper money systems. The Federal Reserve was able to print copious amounts of money, pump it into the economy and revive the stock market after 2000 and into 2007. That money printing also contributed to the greatest real estate bubble in history and we know what the outcome of that bubble is.
TGR: I’m looking at your dire wintery target prediction that the Dow Jones Industrial Average will descend by more than 90% to 1,000 from current levels that are around 11,000. It sounds like a global economic meltdown of unseen proportions.
IG: Politicians are desperately trying to revive the economy by printing even more money. So, this bear market that started in 2000 continues in 2011. Normally bear markets last about one-third the time of the preceding bull market; obviously that has not been the case this time. So, we think when the end does come, it is going to be very traumatic. Eventually the Federal Reserve will lose control and will not be able to get the stock market reignited because it will reflect the reality in the economy. We think the Dow at 1,000 is probably a little optimistic. We think it could go below that to something like 500 if we were to emulate the 1929–1932 experience.
TGR: That translates into massive unemployment, does it not?
IG: It translates into an economy that’s basically a disaster: massive unemployment, huge bankruptcies, breadlines and a government that, in fact, can’t raise the cash to support the depression. Remember, going into the last depression the U.S. government was extremely wealthy, and America was the world’s largest creditor nation by a huge margin.
The U.S. government debt had been paid down all the way through the 1920s, and it went into the last depression with government debt of only $16 billion. When the depression hit, the government had oodles of cash to throw at it to get the economy going. Yet it was never effectively able to do that. The Second World War brought us out of the depression.
TGR: Ian, I know you said Gold will perform quite well in this kind of environment, and so I assume you believe there is much more upside yet for gold.
IG: Well, I do. One of the ways that we’ve always been able to measure where we think gold is going to go is simply using the Dow/Gold ratio, the value of the Dow Jones Industrial Average divided by the price for an ounce of gold. When this ratio reaches extreme highs, stocks have performed exceptionally well. So, we would anticipate that it would reach an extreme high at the end of spring of our current cycle, and so it did when it was about 28:1. In other words, it took 28 ounces of gold to buy the Dow Jones.
And at the end of summer, gold performs well, and stocks don’t. It went down to a 1:1 relationship that was the lowest low, which we have seen twice. But, we are envisioning that we are going to go below 1:1 simply because we made an all time high at the end of autumn of 44:1. The decline must be in proportion to the advance. So, we think the decline is going to take us to something like a quarter to one (0.25:1), which is $4,000/oz. gold and a Dow of 1,000. We’re currently at about 6:1 on the ratio.
TGR: What about gold equities versus physical gold? Will gold equities climb this wall of fear into this winter cycle?
IG: Well, we know that between 1929 and 1936 gold equities performed exceptionally well. I think that the reason that they haven’t performed that well recently, particularly in the junior sector, is that [non-gold] stocks have generally performed pretty well aided and abetted by the Federal Reserve. If the bear market had followed its normal course, it should have ended in 2006, but it did not follow that normal course.
So, once that bear market begins in earnest and once the Federal Reserve loses control of the stock market, we believe that the gold stocks will begin to mirror the actual price of gold, for which our forecast is $4,000/oz. And, that may be conservative because we believe that when the whole debt bubble continues to unravel that you won’t be able to obtain gold at any price. But at $4,000/oz., the gold stocks will perform exceptionally well.
TGR: This would be a dramatic divergence between gold equities and non-gold equities. What are your recommendations for investors?
IG: Well, we have always believed that you should definitely own the physical metal as well as the equities. And we have always had a big belief in the performance of the juniors because of the leverage that they provide to the price of gold.
TGR: Where do investors go? Which equities?
IG: Well, one that we like very, very much is Barkerville Gold Mines Ltd. (BGM:TSX.V). The reason we like the company is that it is in production. It’s producing 25 thousand ounces (Koz.)/year of gold from its QR deposit in central British Columbia, Once it receive its permits to mine the Bonanza Ledge deposit, and that should be very soon, production will increase to 50 Koz. per annum. This makes the company very positive on a cash-flow basis. Barkerville is also finding and adding quite dramatically to its ounces in the ground position. It is going to bring in a second mill, and once that is permitted, production will rise to about 150 Koz./year. It is targeting 2013 for the second mill to be up and running.
TGR: Over the past 12 weeks, Barkerville is down 30%, and yet it still has a market cap of $100 million. It looks like shares have sufficient liquidity.
IG: I own a lot of it; it could be 30% of my stock portfolio.
TGR: So Barkerville would be your favorite?
IG: It’s my favorite, but there are also others that I like an awful lot. I love PC Gold Inc. (PKL:TSX) which I own. The company is in Pickle Lake, Ontario. I sort of trust Canadian mining, not because I’m a Canadian, but just because I feel it has been our heritage for so long. The Canadian government is always going to be a party to it. PC Gold has a very, very rich underground mine at Pickle Lake, and it has outlined about 1.2 million ounces (Moz.). PC Gold has also discovered a surface zone. It’s going to be a lower grade, but this gold in the ground has got to be worth something.
PC Gold hit $1.80 in April 2010, and I think it’s trading at around $0.47 right now. The other thing about PC Gold is that it has about $7.5 million in cash in the bank. So, even if we are in a major credit crunch, and I suspect we are, PC Gold has money to outlive a credit crunch and then get back on track and eventually be able to put its mine back into production.
TGR: The $7.5 million on its balance sheet represents about a third of its market cap.
IG: Right. We’re very keen on it and we own a lot of shares, all of which I bought in the market. I’m very happy to own this company.
Another one that we think a lot of is Colibri Resource Corp. (CBI:TSX.V). All of the Colibri properties are in Sonora, Mexico. One of its properties is very near La Herradura, which is owned by Newmont Mining Corp. (NEM: NYSE) and Fresnillo PLC (FRES:LSE). It’s a 12 Moz. deposit that consistently seems to stay at 12 Moz. In other words, as fast as the joint-venture partners mine the deposit, they replace it with new found gold. The Colibri property is about 12 km. from La Herradura and it has almost the identical geology to La Herradura.
Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. (AEM:TSX; AEM:NYSE) is doing a joint venture earn-in on that property. So, you’ve got a major producer earning into that property and, if successful as Newmont and Fresnillo have been at La Herradura, it will take Colibri into production and hopefully find the 12 Moz. plus that they’ve found at La Herradura. I think it is very, very cheap. Agnico owns just under 20% of the company and Sprott Asset Management owns just under 20% and my wife and I own just under 10%. So, effectively, that’s half of the company’s shares. Colibri has about $2 million cash, and it has an excellent board.
TGR: I’m looking at Colibri’s market cap of about $7.2 million. I’m thinking that would scare a lot of people off.
IG: Well, I’m not scared off because Agnico is not going to allow this company to flounder. I’m sure it’s going to support it. And I don’t think Sprott is going to allow this company to flounder given the fantastic assets that it has.
Another company that has just gone on our website is Terraco Gold Corp. (TEN:TSX.V). I own shares in the company and I really like Terraco. It owns 100% of a property in Idaho called the Almaden Project, which it bought from a company in financial distress. The property has just under 1 Moz. already defined in an NI 43-101. Again, this company has a very, very strong board. Terraco has another property in Nevada, the Moonlight Project, which adjoins the north side of Barrick Gold Corporation (ABX:TSX; ABX:NYSE) and Midway Gold Corp.’s (MDW:TSX.V; MDW:NYSE.A) Spring Valley Project. We think that this company will do exceptionally well for shareholders.
TGR: Was there one more you wanted to mention?
IG: Actually there are several other companies that I like, but let me mention a couple more and give you the names of some other companies that I own. I am particularly fond of Temex Resources Corp. (TME:TSX.V; TQ1:FSE), which has all its properties in Ontario. One of the properties has outlined an NI 43-101 resource of about 1.2 Moz. of gold. It is also now drilling and being very successful on a property that it has in the Timmins gold camp, of which it owns about 60%. Goldcorp Inc. (G:TSX; GG:NYSE) owns 40%. So, that particular mine was the richest mine in the Timmins camp. I own a lot of shares, and I have just purchased more shares in a private placement that the company is now doing.
Another company that I have long owned and think will ultimately perform very well for shareholders is Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. (GNG:TSX.V; GGTHF:OTCPK). The properties are all in Mexico and several have had significant past producing gold and Silver mines on them. Agnico-Eagle owns about 8% of the company’s shares and Sprott Asset management owns a little less than 20%. The company is working toward a joint venture agreement with Agnico-Eagle on its Las Bolas property.
Other companies that I own and like are African Queen Mines (AQ:TSX.V), Fire River Gold Corp. (FAU:TSX.V; FVGCF:OTCQX), Freegold Ventures Limited (FVL:TSX), and Northern Freegold Resources (NFR:TSX.V). All these companies have significant gold in the ground assets. Fire River Gold is in production. I would encourage prospective investors to visit the companys’ websites and read through the corporate presentations and even to phone the presidents of companies before they make a decision to purchase shares.
TGR: My final question is, how long will winter last?
IG: It will last until the debt has been eradicated from the economies of the world. So, to give it a date is difficult. If the whole world monetary system collapses under the massive mountain of debt that has accumulated worldwide, then it will happen reasonably fast, and a new world monetary system will evolve. I think that new system will be based on gold.
TGR: Ian, this has been very valuable. Thank you.
IG: Thank you very much for having me.
Courtesy: The Gold Report
Peter Schiff : The Schiff Report: Hermain Cain, 9-9-9, Occupy Wall Street 15/10/11
Here Are The Four Charts That Explain What The Protesters Are Angry About...
Recent Posts
The charts explain what the Wall Street protesters are angry about. They also explain why the protesters' message is resonating with the country at large.
Here are the four key points:
1. Unemployment is at the highest level since the Great Depression (with the exception of a brief blip in the early 1980s).
Three charts illustrate this:
The top earners are capturing a higher share of the national income than they have anytime since the 1920s:
CEO pay and corporate profits have skyrocketed in the past 20 years, "production worker" pay has risen 4%.
After adjusting for inflation, average earnings haven't increased in 50 years.
It's worth noting that the US has been in a similar situation before: At the end of the "Roaring '20s," just before the start of the Great Depression. (See some of the charts above).
It took the country 15-20 years to pull out of that slump and fix the imbalances. But by the mid-1950s, employment, corporate profits, wages, and inequality had all returned to more normal levels. And the country enjoyed a couple of decades of relatively well-balanced prosperity. But now, everything's out of whack again.
Importantly, the inequality that has developed in the economy over the past couple of decades is not just a moral issue. It's a practical one. It is, as sociologists might say, "de-stabilizing." It leads directly to the sort of social unrest that we're seeing right now.
SEE ALSO: CHARTS: Here's What The Protesters Are So Angry About...
Felonious Munk Presents: Stop It B! Occupy Wall Street? We already do....
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Munk's thoughts on Occupy Wall Street and the response to the protests.
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Keiser Report: Pirates & Protesters (E197)
Uploaded by RussiaToday on 15 Oct 2011
This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about pirates and protesters and about ponzi schemes operated by Brooks Brothers Bolsheviks. In the second half of the show, Max Keiser interviews Michael W. Hudson about Countrywide's role in the subprime mortgage fraud that Obama's Justice Department refuses to prosecute.#Occupylondon #Occupylsx takes root at St Pauls
#Occupylsx takes root at St Pauls
- By Martin Cloake, Oct 15, 2011
I've walked all the way around the cathedral and there appears to be no way in or out of Paternoster Square or the area in front of the cathedral. There are between 3,000-4,000 protestors here now and the event's tweet stream is reporting that the cathedral steps are now officially the site of the London occupation.
Requests to police officers present on the scene to clarify the situation have met with a mixed response, and the Met's press office, where press are being referred, will only say they will not provide a running commentary but that "an appropriate police operation is in place".
One officer told me that there are points where people can leave, but having walked the perimeter of what appears to be a containment I can confirm that there is only one point at which people are being allowed in and out of the cathedral area. I spoke to two of the protesters who were leaving the scene.
Steve and Denise from Vauxhall don't ft the stereotypical profile of the protesters. Both are in their 50s. Steve is an ops director at an advertising agency and Denise is a payroll clerk. They came from Vauxhall in South London and this was the first time they had been on any event like this. I asked them why they came.
"We're both of an age where we have a pension pot," said Steve. "I'm here because people are playing poker with my chips." The couple had been on the cathedral steps and said they felt police had been quite aggressive in the way they had moved people on.
I asked at several police lines if a kettle was in place. Officers said there was no kettle but there was a containment operation. As I was speaking to one officer, another who I had spoken to early this afternoon approached me and told me aggressively that "I have told you to speak to the press office."
I called the Met's press office and was told "an appropriate police operation is in place." I asked if this meant that there was a kettle. I was told "we are not going to provide a running commentary to the media" and that officers on the ground would be able to provide information.
When I pointed out that officers on the ground were, at times quite aggressively, referring questions to the press office I was told that if any AOL Money readers were present at the cathedral they could approach officers for information. When I asked if this meant the public could get information the press were denied I was told, "the line is what I've told you."
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Friday, 14 October 2011
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Breaking News - My Australian contact got a letter. The Perth mint is out of silver. Here is the actual letter my contact received. Feel free to repost this video on your channel.
Kerry Lutz Interview with Chris Duane 10-13-11
Uploaded by TheSchiffReport on 13 Oct 2011
audio courtesy of Kerry Lutz
Chris and I missed our weekly conversation last week, but there was a very good reason. Chris just released his latest project, The Ultimate Exit Strategy! Now we know that Chris never sleeps at night. He's busy thinking up new ways to help you survive and thrive in the New Economy. The old system has died, the problem is that too few people understand the new reality. They are stuck in denial, but hopefully they won't ignore Chris's wake up call. Chris spells out an alternative to chaos and widespread civil disorder. While we don't know if what he proposes can work or not, it's certainly has to be better than what we have now. And any reasonable suggestion should be considered.
Thursday, 13 October 2011
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Gerald Celente - Mike Broomhead 550 KFYI - 10 October 2011
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