Sunday, 25 September 2011

James Turk: “We are Looking at Another Lehman”

King World News Special - James Turk: “We are Looking at Another Lehman”

Robert Kiyosaki : Good Greed vs. Bad Greed

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

09.25.2011 Gold chart since 1932 and Gold to Silver Ratio since 1968

Uploaded by endlessmountain on Sep 25, 2011

Silver down $10 in 2 days


S&P500 Crash, Silver Gold Discount, Greek Default, Bernanke Twist, Amazo...

[ Operation Twist ] Fed responds, why this route? Here is a possibility

Uploaded by cvenzke410 on Sep 24, 2011

[ Jackson Hole meeting, emergency financers phone conference call and FOMC board discussion results in a deal being struck. ]
This will cause deflation, but wait there is much more to it then that and I provide my thoughts, research and edcuation to the best of my abilities to come up with answers to why the federal reserve took this route.

Bob Chapman - The Silver FOX - September 22, 2011

What Economists Don't Understand (Interview with Warren Pollock)

Uploaded by DEMCAD on Sep 24, 2011

Reginald Kaigler interviews financial expert Warren Pollock on September 23rd, 2011 about corporations, Wall Street, social responsibility, mistrained American workers, the government's deceptive unemployment numbers, the financial crisis and the Fuller model of economics.

Operation Twist at 5:50
Interest Rates in this Market at 7:10
Government's Deceptive Job Numbers at 14:08
Education and Lack of Trade Skills at 19:45
Fuller Theory of Economy at 21:12
Structure of an Economy at 31:50
Social Responsibility of Corporations at 36:00
Divide and Conquer Politics at 42:00