Uploaded by GeraldCelenteChannel on 13 Oct 2011
Gerald Celente - Mike Broomhead 550 KFYI - 10 October 2011
Trends Journal: http://www.trendsresearch.com/journal
Twitter: http://twitter.com/geraldcelent
Uploaded by GeraldCelenteChannel on 13 Oct 2011
Gerald Celente - Mike Broomhead 550 KFYI - 10 October 2011
Trends Journal: http://www.trendsresearch.com/journal
Twitter: http://twitter.com/geraldcelent
Uploaded by IraEpsteinFutures on 13 Oct 2011
Commodities, Ira Epstein, Linn Group, Futures Trading, Online Trading, Technical Analysis, Metals Report, Sales: 866-973-2077
Uploaded by EvenKeelMedia on 13 Oct 2011
October 13th, 2011: Al and Trader Rog discuss why they believe there is not much to be read into the future about today's gold and silver market.
To learn more visit:
http://www.internetopportunities.co/24685 Gerald Celente founder of Trends Research institute and Alvin Toffler former associate editor of Fortune magazine,known for his works discussing the Digital Revolution."The Industrial Age is over.We now live in a Knowledge Based Economy. We are living in a time of the greatest transfer of Wealth in history"
Uploaded by DollarFall on 12 Oct 2011
go to http://lindseywilliams101.blogspot.com for more Lindsey Williams interviews
Lindsey Williams & Chris Waltzek - Oct. 11, 2011
Pastor Lindsey Williams is back on Goldseek Radio 11th October 2011 , after 3 months of absolute silence with no radio interviews , finally Pastor Lindsey Williams is back with more explosive revelations from his sources , here are some key points , 2012 will be the most unusual and event full year in 2000 years , The elite want to create massive debt before they have a crash , the elite want to create the type of debt you see in Greece in every country in the world and they want to create it before they bring about the crash , the name of the game is CONTROL , Greece is going to default , the elite are buying the Greece bonds because they know that when Greece defaults for all practical reasons they will own that country , the elite want to control countries , it is globalism in its most despotic sense , they want every city in America to declare bankruptcy , By the end of 2012 all private fortunes will be lost that are secured with PAPER , you must secure your assets , The elite have secured their assets in Gold and Silver and they do not have them in paper , Bonds 401Ks Shares fiat currencies etc....Syria will be the next country in the Middle East to fall , their plan for the middle east is 3 months behind because of Gaddafi . Social Security welfare checks and food stamps will not be cut off UNTIL the US will default on its debt and that will be in 2 to 3 years , the elite do not want riots and civil unrest this Occupy Wall street is not what the elite want ....Fear is one of their tactics and they are using it from now to 2012 , fear shuts down the human brain , they want your brains shut down , America will be like Greece within 3 years , there is right now immense discord amongst the elite of the world ....they know that there is something very unusual that will happen in 2012 something in the spiritual realm , they do not know what , the elite have a devil's Messiah in program for 2012
Uploaded by abudujanah2010 on 13 Jun 2010
Tarek El Diwany author of 'the problem with interest', presents this educational documentary on the history of the current monetary system and its problem.
For more information on Tarek El Diwany and for a list of his publications please visit the following websites:
Uploaded by DEMCAD on 12 Oct 2011
The economic depression is escalating. This is my (DEMCAD) discussion with veteran market trader Dex (Pulsescan72) about what he describes as the largest single day DROP in stock market history coming very soon and how ugly the protests will get on Wall Street.
This video was recorded on Oct 12th, 2011. My name is Reginald Kaigler (DEMCAD) and the caller is Dex(Pulsescan72). My predictions are educated guesses based on economic data. However, I encourage everyone to conduct his or her own research.
Bonds Show 60% Odds of Recession
Uploaded by bobchapmanradio on 12 Oct 2011
Ron Hera of heraresearch.com joins us for a discussion of monetary mismanagement, fiat currency, why gold and silver are your best bets in this awful economic period. Ron states that we never really came out of the 2009 economic collapse and that we are headed for more rough economic waters. Ron's background makes him ideally suited to discuss these issues. He's a self described "escapee" from Silicon Valley, California. Originally a serial entrepreneur and private investor in communications software and mobile technology, Ron turned his attention to investing in natural resources, such as precious metals, after the dot-com bubble and stock market crash of 2000. He knows what he's talking about so please pay attention.
Please send your questions to kl@kerrylutz.com or call us at 347-460-LUTZ.
Uploaded by bobchapmanradio on 12 Oct 2011
visit: http://bobchapmanradio.com
You are listening to Financial Survival.
Uploaded by TheAlexJonesChannel on 12 Oct 2011
Alex talks with Alessio Rastani, a trader who claimed late last month that financial vampire Goldman Sachs rules the world.Uploaded by EX0MATRlXTV on 12 Oct 2011
~new: http://occupyamsterdam.nl & http://occupydenhaag.org ~credits: http://youtube.com/UKIPmeps & http://ukipmeps.org